[This article is primarily intended for DataWeave developers. It deals with code and development strategies.]
A while back, I wrote this article suggesting an approach to generating sample data with a simple DataWeave function. I left the conversation open ended to offer time for readers to suggest their own solution. I provided a sample (the severed head of my data) and a shell that suggested an approach to generation of sample data at any scale.
In this article, I offer one possible solution. If you have not read the OP (as it were) then give it a read and then see if you can hack out a solution that you like. If you've already given it a try, or if you simply want to see a solution dissected, then by all means, turn the page.
The premise is that you sometimes need to synthesize data for a project, and although there are tools that can readily help you do this, sometimes the characteristics of the problem domain call for a customized solution. Here are some reasons you might turn to DataWeave to help you.