Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Plus It's Just Fun

By now, everyone is either talking about Google Plus, or they're talking about why they're not going to use it. When you see articles in the daily paper about a social networking technology, it's reached adoption to the extent that you may want to pay attention.

Readers here will recall that I've been a proponent of most responsible social networking platforms as they've begun to get traction. (Responsible in this case means they prevent abusive behavior by polluters to the extent that they are able to predict it, and they offer privacy options to participants that empower selective sharing.)

So it should be no surprise...

So it should be no surprise that I've become quite enamored of this "new kid on the block." In addition to offering good control over where my content is seen, the truth is that it's just plain fun. And that's before we get to the exotica of the platform like Sparks, Huddles, and Hangouts.

The main take-away that you want to get, if you haven't already been bitten by the Plus bug is this.  The most important consideration when you contemplate where you'd like to spend your time working in the social media fabric is -- where are the people.

With Plus, you're going to be able to interact with the people who are on Facebook, those who are on Twitter, and those who are on Plus.

One last little bonus -- when you decide that you don't want to keep your data on Google Plus, you can readily download it and place it elsewhere.

C'mon now. Some of you have been waiting for Google to turn evil any day now -- for years! Hasn't happened so far. So push down on that Plus sign. You'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. Francie and I are having a tough time converting our Facebook friends. I plan to share this with them.



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